Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are You Having A Good Day?

When it comes to your health and wellness, it is about more than just exercise and nutrition. A positive mental attitude is essential in this process. Often times, you may forget that the outcome of your day depends a lot on your mood.

Here is a tip on how to have a good day.

Remember that you can control your mood and therefore improve your day! What do I mean by this? Well let's say that you get up late, hit the snooze too many times, rush out of the house to work, skip breakfast and show up at your job with a frown on your face. Do you think you will have a good day or a bad day? It is like a snowball that gathers up negativity as your day progresses. Instead, try waking up a few minutes early (5-10) and before you get out of bed, say out loud some of the things you are thankful for. Some examples could be your family, your friends, your job, your home, the weather, or even just the fact that you get to wake up today! This will put a smile on your face. Grab some breakfast and skip the local news. They tend to report about everything that is wrong in society, which can increase your negative outlook. If you do this simple routine, I guarantee that your day will be better!

Now this is just one example of how you can improve your attitude each day. Rather than give you a huge list, start with one change each morning and see if it does in fact improve your day and ultimately your health. A positive attitude can help you deal with stress and can help you keep your health!

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