Thursday, August 5, 2010

Understanding What We Do

I read a blog recently that shared an experience of a patient in a chiropractic office. It was a great read and it is something that happens fairly regularly in practice. A new patient enters an office and does not really know what to expect from a chiropractic appointment but after being examined and educated learns about how we help the body heal and why chiropractic works! This usually leads to some excitement on the patients part and they usually tell others which is what we need to do so that we can help more people.

I have many patients that want to refer patients to me because they know that I can help their family, friend, or co-worker. Often I hear that the prospective new patient is leery because they are scared of chiropractic or they simply do not know what to expect! This is sad and I can't tell you how many of my own patients say "if they only knew"!

Of course chiropractic is not scary and adjustments do not hurt. Did you know that you can be adjusted without cracking, crunching, twisting, or popping? Modern technology and science allow doctors of chiropractic to adjust patients faster, with no pain, and allow chiropractors to use computers to show areas of nerve tension and dysfunction.

Chiropractic can help your body work better by removing the interference to the proper functioning of the nervous system. If you would like to see how chiropractic may be able to help you, give our office a call because consultations are always performed at no cost. 618-281-4111.

To read the blog mentioned in this post visit:

To read an article on Chiropractic and changing perceptions in the St. Louis Post Dispatch click:

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